
WiseTeam Demo ([wt_name])

Thank you for choosing WiseTeam!

WiseTeam demo: https://[wt_name].wiseteam.eu
Username: [email]
Password: [wt_pass]

If you’ve chosen to have demo data on your account it will be automatically loaded when you first login. The demo menu, located in the upper right corner, can be used to reload demo data or delete all data and the account itself.

The demo account is valid for 14 days, after which the account will be closed and all of the associated data will be deleted. The demo account is for testing purposes only, all uploaded data should be non-commercial.

Receive and track all service desk requests by sending them to WiseTeam’s Backlog email – [wt_name]@demo.wiseteam.eu

For further assistance please contact WiseTeam consultants – info@wiseteam.eu, +370 5 2302046.

WiseTeam’s user manual: http://help.wiseteam.eu/

Best regards,
